Stepping In Faith
Stepping In Faith is a podcast that deepens your walk with Jesus each week by exploring the heart of faith, love, and relationships from a Spirit-led perspective. Each episode focuses on building intimate relationships with Jesus Christ, strengthening marriages, providing guidance for singles, and fostering healthy, God-centered connections.
Stepping In Faith
Be Healed
True healing goes beyond physical remedies. In this episode, Walter and Shanea dive into the transformative journey of emotional and spiritual renewal, guided by personal experiences and the powerful scripture Matthew 11:28-30.
We explore how trauma affects identity, relationships, and intimacy, and why divine intervention is crucial for breaking generational cycles. Together, we unpack the difference between religious practices and a genuine relationship with God, emphasizing the Holy Spirit's role in guiding us to a focused, renewed life.
Join us as we share hope, practical insights, and inspiration for anyone seeking deeper healing and connection. Subscribe now for more episodes like this!
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Welcome back to another episode of Stepping in Faith, where together, we explore the importance of having a relationship with God and how that will impact the relationships you have with others. I'm your host, walter, and I'm joined here by my lovely wife.
Speaker 2:Shania.
Speaker 1:Welcome back. This is episode five. Babe, what is the title of this week's episode?
Speaker 2:this week's episode is titled be healed entitled, but we'll let that go or not, yeah, be healed or not?
Speaker 1:I yeah, sure I guess. So, be healed or not, okay, so I got the title, didn't I? I did? I was about to say how did we come up with this week's title?
Speaker 2:You asked and God told you healing right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in a dream.
Speaker 2:Oh, in a dream. What was the dream?
Speaker 1:I can't get into all of the details, but we were sitting on this sofa and we was about to actually go over the episode, the next episode that we was going to record, and you told me you're like OK, our next episode is going to be we'll be discussing the importance of healing.
Speaker 2:Oh, I said that in the dream.
Speaker 1:Don't do that.
Speaker 2:But the Holy Spirit was speaking through me to you, in the dream.
Speaker 1:That's just making you feel so good inside right now, don't it? That's cool. So that's how we came up with the title. This week is different, though, because we don't have a lot of notes.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:At all.
Speaker 2:We did not.
Speaker 1:We don't know how long this is going to be, but, interestingly, while the notes are good, one of the things that God was dealing with me on is the importance of kind of going with the flow. Yeah, having the scriptures he give us.
Speaker 2:We talk about healing all the time.
Speaker 1:We do.
Speaker 2:But we don't have any, like we don't have a lot of scriptures.
Speaker 1:No, there's so many scriptures that you can dig into that reference. Healing Even anytime. It kind of well. First and foremost, before we start, let's pray. You prayed last time, right. I did. Okay, I will pray.
Speaker 1:Okay, father, god, as we come before you this evening, we thank you that you are God and God alone. We thank you for your love, your mercy, your grace. We thank you for your kindness, father, and we pray that your perfect will will be carried out. As we record this podcast, God, let it reach those that you've called for it to reach. Allow us to be led by your Spirit. Lord Jesus, we invite you in Holy Spirit. Guide us. Angels of the Lord, we acknowledge that you are with us. Let your perfect will be carried out even now, here on earth, as it is in heaven. It's in Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
Speaker 1:All right, trying my best not to be too long.
Speaker 2:You was on the cusp.
Speaker 1:I was not. Yeah, yeah, I wasn't, yeah, okay. So when I was inquiring about this, what God gave me was Matthew 11, 28 through 30. And I am not there, but I will get there right now. Okay, I got it it okay, we'll go ahead so matthew 28.
Speaker 2:Matthew, chapter 11, verse 28 through 30. Uh, then nlt version. Then jesus said come to me, all of you who are wary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take, take my yoke upon you, let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, rest for your soul. Okay, so, rest for your soul. And when I was reading that and I was taking notes, what came on the like? I was thinking about it from the perspective, because sometimes we don't understand. We think of healing, but we think of, like, physical healing, yet we don't understand the importance of emotional healing and mental healing. And so when Jesus was speaking verse 28, then Jesus said come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens. What are heavy burdens, babe? It's emotional.
Speaker 2:Yeah, heavy burdens. I mean, it's obviously not physical, it's all your mental, everything that you're carrying Stress, heavy burdens stress.
Speaker 1:And so he stated to us heavy burdens, and come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light. So that stood out to me, because the teach you part right bible consistently, uh, touches on the importance of having your heart, I mean your mind, renewed, the matters of your heart. And so what it was really kind of digging into the reality is and we talked about this before what's that?
Speaker 1:what I heard something. Never mind um. The reality is this there are very few people that fall into the category of being versions that's never been in relationships. We've listened to interviews and testimonies of different people who were quote unquote, which is weird, but they were dating as youngest in middle school.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was.
Speaker 1:But as you go through this process, you literally begin to little by little deal with heartbreaks. You're connecting yourself to person after person. There is soul ties that's involved. Soul ties is not just linked to having sex. We know that, jonathan and David, they had a soul tie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can be tied to anything. You can be tied to a person, you can be tied to a thing, you can be tied to a place.
Speaker 1:So all of these things are being built up because we're never taught that you're not supposed to date. So we go throughout life and it's so weird. To me it is what it is. But I don't believe the kids, shit. That's weird. When kids say that they have a girlfriend and stuff, I mean you, a child, but you may feel like, okay, I really have really have this girlfriend, I have this boyfriend, I see them at school. Your parents might let y'all do certain things from time to time and that begins the heartbreaks. That begin the emotional toil that like depending on where each party is coming from.
Speaker 2:Well, that's because we're not taught to refocus that desire on an intimacy with God, because we desire intimacy and that is what that is, and it's a desire for. I mean, we have a natural desire to be with the opposite sex, right, um? But the thing that most people want, and don't recognize what it is that is attracting yourself to someone, is a need for intimacy. Yes, even as a young child, you need intimacy, you need closeness.
Speaker 1:Which is good because God placed that in us. But I think we adapt the world's view of intimacy, which is heavily centered around what Sex?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So we think intimacy is sex. When intimacy goes way beyond that. That is something that comes from that in the right relationship at the right time with the right person. But that is not where intimacy starts. Yeah. That is, after intimacy is already beginning. It is an act that takes place following intimacy being built up with that person. So I mean, this is random, but what would you say intimacy is?
Speaker 2:Intimacy, I feel like is just a closeness or like a knowing. Like, yeah, it's like a close, it's a closeness, it's like a that's the only thing I can think of. I don't know what the actual definition of intimacy is. I looked it up for me, Intimacy is closeness close familiarity or friendship closeness. Ok, well, yeah, so that's what it is.
Speaker 1:So it is literally, and we know, in the context of relationships or in the context of marriage, intimacy is becoming one. Intimacy is literally becoming one.
Speaker 3:I know for you and I Me being in the skin.
Speaker 1:To God be the glory. So that's something my wife says all the time and we're just going to leave it at that. Um, that's something my wife says all the time and we're just going to leave it at that. Huh, um, I, I know that with intimacy. I think about us. When we first met, um, it wasn't your outward appearance that caught my attention and I didn't. I didn't understand it. You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful. But it wasn't that. It was something deeper. That was within to where how I typically would approach relationships that I should have never been in the first place. I did not approach this, I could not. I would always tell you like I don't know what it is, it's just something about you that I can't put in my hands, when I've never experienced this before I thought you were lying no, but I heard tim ross.
Speaker 1:Um, he was talking about the level of intimacy he had with his best, his, uh, best friend, or his brother, I don't know his name. You know what I'm talking about, though the white guy I don't know his name either but he's, he's he's?
Speaker 2:he's you talking about the? The? He's a pastor. The pastor yes, I don't know what sweet personality. I don't know what his name is very sweet spirit very but if you guys know his name, please put it in the comments.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but, and we may place it in there yeah, at some points yeah but um, they were. They were discussing their relationship they had with each other and how people would think that it's weird because they're men and they have developed such a close level of intimacy with each other. But we know that that was also shared with David and Jonathan. The Bible touched on the relationship they had with each other and there was a closeness.
Speaker 1:Baba touched about the relationship touched on the relationship they had with each other, and there was a closeness, there was a level of intimacy that they shared, to the point to where, even though, rightfully so.
Speaker 2:Jonathan was set to be the next king. He gave the throne to David, he gave his rights up to David and even reading it, they were so close. If your mind wasn't in the right place, you would think they would be partners. Something else, yes when they weren't they were not.
Speaker 1:They were just such a closeness a level of intimacy, which is what god designed for it to be. But the enemy tainted, tainted it. So when it, when we discuss intimacy, that's what it should be. That's what you was discussing how we're looking for that intimacy. You can have that intimacy with your parents. You can have that intimacy with friends.
Speaker 1:You definitely should have that intimacy within your marriage or within the relationship God has called for you to be with that person, but we lack that. We don't have that intimacy. So that starts there. So it starts with us seeking out that intimacy. That starts there. So it starts with us seeking out that intimacy, but we have a misconstrued outlook on how that intimacy should look. So we think I show you that I love you and I become closer to you by having sex with you by giving parts of myself to you that I should not be giving up.
Speaker 1:And you continue to pursue this intimacy. So you continue to get into relationship after relationship where you are consistently giving up parts of yourself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that feeds your flesh and not your spirit.
Speaker 1:But you are always in a situation where you're what? As you give up parts of yourself, you are losing that parts of yourself and you're taking on and that's what God was dealing with me on you're losing parts of yourself and you're having other parts of someone else, uh, interwoven within your, your mental makeup, and so what God was saying to me is actually and do I have the notes here? I know I took the notes down. It did not update because it was some good stuff that God gave to me this morning.
Speaker 3:Oh, so you didn't put it in the notes. I thought I did. I ain't nothing but the enemy, some good stuff that God gave to me this morning.
Speaker 1:Oh, so you didn't put it in the notes. I thought I did. I ain't nothing but the enemy. Mm-hmm. But thankfully I remembered it. I don't know where I put that.
Speaker 2:It's not in your phone.
Speaker 1:It's not what I put down is not there Because you read it this morning.
Speaker 2:Is it not on OneNote?
Speaker 1:Oh, you know what I did? I put it in the episode counterfeits. Oh. I put it in the episode counterfeits.
Speaker 2:Because I know you had your window open this morning.
Speaker 1:And I need to give that to you because I have some good stuff here. So this morning during prayer and that's where everything was, during prayer, just to bring everyone in on it as I was sitting there and I was praying, god dealt with me and after prayer I just sat there and I quieted myself a little bit my wife, I think he was doing something in the room but I quieted myself a little bit. And as I quiet myself, I begin to hear God speak and he touched on what we were going to be discussing and what he said to me.
Speaker 1:He said being healed correctly is so important because the different trauma we experience become a part of our subconscious mind. It's literally become ingrained within our identity and if removed incorrectly or absent of God, it can be negatively impactful Because in a way, we lose a part of ourselves. We lose a part of something that was within us or with us for years, if not decades. This is why it's important that we go through the process of healing properly, and away from God or apart from God, it's impossible to go through that proper healing process. The Bible speaks of having our mind renewed, that it is literally a spiritual version, or what God was telling me is that this is literally a spiritual version, or what God was telling me is that this is literally a spiritual version of open heart surgery, and so removing the old, tainted versions of ourselves and having the correct version placed in by God is key.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So what typically happens when we go through counseling and counseling is good, but we do it when we do it, void of God we are trying to remove those parts of ourself that was illegitimately placed there through trauma, hurt, whatever the case may be as even as far back as a child, but we don't replace it with anything. So we have parts of ourself that are missing, but we don't replace it with anything. So we have parts of ourselves that are missing.
Speaker 2:Well, the thing is is, while you were speaking, what came back to me is when I was going through my healing journey after the last relationship before we got together, and I was just so hurt, just like with life, just in general. I was in a really, really, really bad place and I knew I needed to go to god and I just didn't know exactly how that looked. And I went to counseling faithfully weekly, almost sometimes two or three times a week, depending on how my week was going yeah I would go to therapy and I would have to switch therapists.
Speaker 2:I would have to go up a notch because, like it would, it would be like, you know, just sitting and talking to someone. But I'm like I need solutions. So I need to go to a psychologist, I need a psyche, I need a psychiatrist at this point, because no one's giving me any information that I don't already know myself because of the field that I work in and because I read a lot and I read a lot of emotional, intelligent books and psychology books and stuff like that. So I was very familiar with everything that they were telling me and I'm like, okay, well, I'm doing all these things but it's not working. And so I replaced my hurt with going to therapy and I would be good that week.
Speaker 2:But if I missed two weeks, three weeks worth of therapy, I was right back in that deep dark hole. I started to just spiral. I went to yoga. I did yoga. I'm like, and if I didn't go to yoga, if I missed class, I would be feeling horrible. You know, I would go to the spa every Thursday. Every Thursday I would go to the spa and if I didn't go to the spa, I was going to have a horrible week. If I didn't go to the spa, I was going to go crazy, I went crazy, I was mad.
Speaker 2:I was gonna have a horrible week, if I didn't go to the spa, I was gonna go crazy. I went crazy, I was mad, I was angry, I was sad, I was feeling all those emotions would just come back and I would be stressed and I was filling myself up with all these things that the world tells you to do. Hey, self-care, you know. Take care of yourself, go Go, you know, get therapy. Do meditation. I was meditating, I was journaling, I was doing this whole inner childhood work, shadow work I was doing. I tried everything. I tried everything and nothing worked.
Speaker 1:It was all temporary and the things that I were, that I was doing, was replacing it with things that were demonic, you know, shall I say, or not, of god well, see, we we touched on this and I think it's important further damaging myself because it's it's coping mechanism, coping mechanisms, excuse me, so the world teaches you to come up with all of these different coping mechanisms to assist you as you are going through your healing process it's like I'm sorry, it's like having um like diabetes and they're giving you insulin.
Speaker 2:It doesn doesn't fix the problem.
Speaker 1:Or it's literally a situation where they're teaching you to place a bandaid on a bullet wound.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It does not. Even if you wrap a bullet wound, it's still going to bleed out. Eventually it's going to bleed out. It requires surgery. And so the surgery is approaching it from a spiritual perspective first, and so they don't teach that, they teach you. Hey, you got to deal with this, naturally, but it's something that started within the spirit first.
Speaker 2:Yes, so you have to attack it in the spirit and in the natural. Everything starts in the spirit and it manifests in the natural. Just like God when he created the earth it started in the spirit and then it manifests into something that we live on created the earth. It started in the spirit and then it manifests into something that we live on now, called earth.
Speaker 1:And we can do research on this. Right, Anyone is listening to this podcast. You can research and you will see that maybe what would we say a hundred years ago or so we were more spiritually inclined inclined, and so they understood the things of the spirit heavily so I mean prior to us, to this infrastructure that we have now, where we just have to keep going and going and going, and this whole american dream that everyone is chasing.
Speaker 2:Prior to work industrialization, we were out doing nothing, farming being in tune.
Speaker 1:Well technology, I believe, put us in a situation where it caused us to rely less on God, or even acknowledge that God existed, and rely on ourselves.
Speaker 2:In the Western world anyway, because we know the other civilizations they're still heavily spiritual. They are very spiritual.
Speaker 1:And I would say even further the dangerous thing is, when you look at all of the different religions, Christianity is, I believe it may be others, but I know it's one in particular that they really don't delve into things of the spirit. Christians are so scared of things of the spirit. Yeah. But everyone can agree that, for example, demons, or there's quote, unquote, ghost, those are demons. We know it to be demons or familiar spirits. Or you do have instances where people can get trapped, if they go before their time.
Speaker 2:You're going a little deep, I am, you're going a little deep. I am You're going a little deep.
Speaker 1:So you know we believe in quote unquote ghosts, because everyone has encountered that, but we know it to be demons or something else. But we struggle with angels, we struggle with other heavenly beings, we struggle with God and who God is. We struggle with the spirit and how the spirit impact the natural.
Speaker 2:Well, that's because a lot of people don't experience angels. They see more demons and ghosts than they see angels or light, and sometimes you mistake that light, like for me, anything supernatural was God for me.
Speaker 1:And it's actually darkness and it was actually darkness. It's actually darkness.
Speaker 1:I forgot what the scripture was, but it's talking about how, if you mistaken, uh, light for darkness, how deep that darkness goes it goes really deep, so yeah, but it's interesting that you stated that, because you you were essentially saying that you had all of these tools that you were trying to use to, um, fix something that was inner, something that was more spiritually based.
Speaker 1:And it's also interesting that you were saying this because this is digging into some stuff. But I remember praying for you and as I was praying for you distinctively in the old apartment, I was deep in the prayer and I think I told you about this God took me and I could literally see you on your bed crying uncontrollably, and I could feel like the tears were rushing out. The tears were rushing out uncontrollably, like, just like a, a waterfall, and I could feel the emotions, I could feel the tears. I could, I could hear you, I could see you crying and you thought I was crazy, cause I told you I'm like I just I had this vision of you, but it was a reflection of what was going on inside of you. It was a reflection of where you were, that you was heavily broken.
Speaker 1:And so it was broken, heavily broken, but the Bible tells us what the God cares about, that. That's the scripture that we can touch on right now Psalms 38 and 18, which I think is so good, and I am prayerfully this blessed Psalms 34 and 18? 34 and 18. I'm sorry, I say 38. So, Psalms 34 and 18, right. Psalms 34 and 18, nlt. It says that Psalms 34 and 18 NLT. No-transcript Psalms 34 and 18, and you can read the entire chapter for those who aren't listening.
Speaker 2:I recommend reading all the Psalms.
Speaker 1:Yes, so Psalms 34 and 18 states this the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Yeah, that's good. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
Speaker 2:He did, he rescued me.
Speaker 1:So that's telling me two things. It's possible for your spirit to be crushed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, to be broken yeah.
Speaker 1:I think Blake touched on I was reading this book. What's the name of that book?
Speaker 2:The Veil by Blake Healy.
Speaker 1:Blake Healy.
Speaker 2:Healy right.
Speaker 1:And he discussed an encounter that he had with some people, a few people, when he was at church and he was looking within the spirit and he said they were coming and he saw cuts all over them, cuts everywhere. And that's a reflection of people who's been through trauma, who's been through hurt, who's dealt with broken hearts.
Speaker 2:And that's the saying. Like, when people say you're bleeding on someone, where does that even come from? It literally means, spiritually, you are bleeding on someone.
Speaker 1:Your spirit is broken.
Speaker 2:Your soul needs to be restored. You're bleeding.
Speaker 1:And that's. And so I think that and we can dig deeper into this what God, touching on that, what God showed me this morning was he showed me I had this vision of like I could see, like the DNA makeup, Right. And so, as I was looking at the DNA makeup, I saw it's so hard to explain, but I saw like these, what would you call it, Like the different lines or whatever. You know this because you are a nurse practitioner the different lines within the DNA.
Speaker 2:Like the matrix. I guess, hold on. So, I don't get it.
Speaker 1:What he was showing me is that there was parts of the DNA that was there that didn't match with the other parts of the DNA. It was there, it was there illegally or it was placed there illegitimately, and so what he stated to me as I was looking at this he said the issue with hurt or trauma or traumatic experiences, or even words spoken, is that it can become interwoven together within the fabric of our being, becoming a very part of, or becoming a very part of who we are. And so and that's what I saw I saw our dna, and within that pattern of our dna, I saw things being woven in our dna that shouldn't be there. And so what we're trying to do because we know it should not be there we're trying to snatch it out, we're trying to remove it, rightfully so, but it's impossible for you to remove outside of the power of God.
Speaker 2:Exactly, exactly, god, exactly, exactly. It's very. It's not. It's because we don't look at it as a um, as something. We look at it as something natural. Um, just like we look at anger, or we look at um depression or you know any of those things. We look at it as being natural.
Speaker 2:So we have to treat it naturally, but we aren't um, we don't we don't't realize we're spirit, we're soul and we're flesh yes, we are trying being, and so the world doesn't teach you what is in your soul, what's in your spirit and what's in your flesh and how it impacts, yeah, and how to treat those things right.
Speaker 1:So well, you know, it's we. We touched on this before right and we'll continue, because I don't want you to oh no, no, I already lost it okay, sorry so, because I got. We touched on this before. I apologize, but it'll come back um and if it does just interrupt um what's taking place, because I'm about to lose my train of thought too. We are spirit, soul and flesh right body or body, spirit, soul, flesh or body.
Speaker 1:So what we've done is we're in a situation where we have our um soul being led by our flesh, but we don't realize that our spirit is still there, and so there are things that's taking place within the spirit realm.
Speaker 2:Go ahead well, your, your spirit, your flesh in your or your body and your soul are in agreement, when it should be. Your body and your spirit should be in agreement, like your spirit should be telling your body how to move, and that that's going to affect your soul which is your subconscious mind.
Speaker 1:And that's. It's not the case. But we don't realize that when things happen, when we deal with trauma, when we deal with hurt, it impacts our spirit, because the enemy is doing things in the spirit.
Speaker 1:It's impacting our spirit, which, until we see it, and we see it when it impacts our soul, but it's too late because, it's already happened in the spirit, which is why we go back to what having to have a relationship with God, so we can recognize what's taking place in the spirit, so we can have our mind renewed, so we can get back to a point of being led by our spirit to recognize what's taking place and how the spirit should dictate the soul. Right.
Speaker 1:Because it's dangerous when you get to the point of having a broken spirit or even a broken soul and there's a lot of people out here. I was even at that point. I think I got to a point at one point in my life and I'm like I don't know who I am anymore. Trauma from childhood on out to where I just realized that in each instance, it was piece after piece after piece after piece of myself that was being removed from me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, even my outward appearance didn't even match my inward self Exactly.
Speaker 1:And you had to get to a point and that's why I believe relationship with God is so important I had to get to a point of finding my identity in Christ and I believe when I got to that point of finding my identity in Christ, that's when I began to be reformed. The Bible talks about you being clay and God is the potter and him reshaping you into what it is you're supposed to be shaped into, and this is the process that many of us find ourselves having to go through.
Speaker 2:Or because he knew you, he created you, he knew you before you were even born, psalms 139.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:He knows every hair on your head, but we don't go to him. No we try to do it outside.
Speaker 1:But we don't know him. We don't know to go to him. No, we try to do it outside, but we don't know to go to him no. Because, once again and we discussed this before culture. Culture don't teach us to go to God.
Speaker 2:No, we operate in the world. We do what the Romans do.
Speaker 1:We touched on this as well. We are our own gods.
Speaker 2:We're taught to be our own gods because we live in this world, and that's what Satan teaches.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:For us to idolize things.
Speaker 1:This is why, once again, you got to be healed, and it goes beyond counseling and so we know, outside of that, you will bleed on people. Unknowingly or knowingly, you will bleed on people and it can go all the way back to your childhood. We see example after example, we hear testimony after testimony.
Speaker 2:It goes all the way back in your bloodline, it goes back in your bloodline. It goes back in your bloodline. So, in while I was getting ready and I was in the shower and I was thinking about um, I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but I was thinking, kind of thinking about the podcast, but I wasn't really thinking about the and God was. He showed me like he was talking to me about cancer, right, and you know, cancer is a genetic disposition. It means that that can come through your DNA. Through your DNA, as is alcoholism. There's a genetic marker that people have that you'll be more prone to being addicted to alcohol because you have this genetic marker or you're more at risk, I'm sorry, you're more at risk for becoming an alcoholic because of a genetic marker. Or you're more at risk for getting breast cancer If you have this genetic marker, or you're more at risk for getting breast cancer if you have this genetic marker. You're more at risk for this type of prostate cancer because you have a genetic marker.
Speaker 2:And we know that God can heal cancer, right. And so when you were talking about how we have this genetic makeup and the trauma and and I know there's this book called trauma stored in your body, it's true, trauma is literally stored in your body or your spirit, or whatever you want to call it right, but it doesn't teach you how to get rid of it, not in a way that you should, which is god, because he created you. He created you right, but in that creation, because even Adam sinned. We were born into sin. We were born into our father's iniquities that have been passed down from generation to generation to generation. It even started with Cain and Abel, right? We see the different kingdoms evolving just because of the way Cain handled situation or the way Abel handled certain situations right, and so we have all this immorality in the world that's being passed down.
Speaker 2:And we forget that we have to go all the way back to the beginning. All the way back to the beginning. Not your great, great, great, great great grandfather, it goes back to Abraham. It goes back to Abraham. And so if trauma is stored in your body, it becomes a part of you. It literally becomes a part of your DNA. And the trauma that your parents went through it becomes a part of you. It literally becomes a part of your DNA. And the trauma that your parents went through it becomes a genetic marker. It becomes a yeah, a genetic marker or a marker in the spirit realm. And if God can heal cancer, then he has to be the only one to change your genetic.
Speaker 1:He can change your genetic makeup, right I mean that's good, because it's it digs back into uh does that make sense, what I'm saying? No, it does, because it becomes a part of you it's there.
Speaker 1:It's something that's there that should not be there yeah, but no one knows how to remove it right so they tell you hey, this is, this is something that that's a part of your genetics, but it should not be a part of your genetics. But they're also saying, because this is a part of your, uh, this is a marker. So they're saying this, they're kind of saying without saying it, that this is something that is a bloodline curse right, because that marker should not be there exactly and that, and that was what I was seeing.
Speaker 1:It was, it's almost like interestingly, when I saw the vision, the lines that I was seeing, it was like a brown line. It was brown and everything else was white, and so it was just like letting us know that that's something that should not be there. So In that instance, it leads you back to the importance of having a relationship with God. That's the only way. Counseling is good, but you know, when we think of counseling or therapy, I think the best type of counseling and therapy would be discipleship. Yes.
Speaker 1:That's the best, because your mind do have to be renewed. And deliverance, and deliverance and deliverance, but it starts with deliverance. After you, we go through salvation and all of that stuff, how it looks, because that probably would be the question people repeat that people would have. You have to go to deliverance, yeah. You have to go through healing, yes, and your mind has to be renewed yes, and it can all happen simultaneously.
Speaker 1:But deliverance is the very, very first thing but the way that looks could be different for different people. Right, um, and more importantly, um, as you're going through that process, it was something I wanted to touch on. You're going through deliverance, you're going through healing, you're going through having your mind renewed and I lost my train of thought and that was going to be so good. These are the things that we'll just continue.
Speaker 2:Holy Spirit, we ask that you will bring my husband's subconscious, because it was right there.
Speaker 1:It was right there and that you would connect that so I could gain that train of thought. But we was discussing how this looks. To go through healing, you have to um. After salvation it looks differently, but you go through a process of being healed, delivered, and not in this, this order, but you go through the process of being healed, delivered. Your mind has to be renewed in order for you to really be able to let go of all those things that you're dealing with right and that is only only, that's only by the power of the Holy Spirit, and so I think we don't do that.
Speaker 2:No, and counseling is good right, it is. But you need a counselor who has the Holy Spirit, because if they don't, then they won't really know exactly what it is that you need. They'll just give you the same information they gave the next person.
Speaker 1:And it is possible.
Speaker 2:The person prior to.
Speaker 1:It is possible for you to be with some or go to someone who has a relationship with God and they can hear exactly what it is you need. We call that a rhema word. And so God can give them a rhema word or a word that's specific for you, whether it's one particular word, whether it's an entire statement whether it's a particular scripture, whatever it may be, that would be specific for your situation or speak specifically to your situation that you're going through that you need. And I think that's what we're missing.
Speaker 2:And they don't necessarily have to be like a prophet or super prophetic, but God uses anyone. So if you're seeking him and you're going to a Christian or counselor, they could give you a rainbow word.
Speaker 1:They well, you, they. If you're doing that, you have to hear from God, which requires what relationship with God? You have to be able to hear from him. There's no way around it. And you can, because we go back to that scripture. What, In the last days, I will pour out my spirit upon?
Speaker 2:all flesh.
Speaker 1:So you should be able to hear the voice of God.
Speaker 2:The church won't tell you that Everybody hears the voice of God. Let's get that correct.
Speaker 1:You should, everybody should. Everybody has access.
Speaker 2:Everybody has access to God. Everybody hears God. Everybody doesn't listen. No, that's what I'm saying, or know how he speaks all the time but we don't listen or we don't know how to recognize his voice because you think it's just some large voice that's going to come out of somewhere. But no, it's literally just like an inner knowing or like a light switch.
Speaker 1:What happens is your mind is cluttered with so much stuff and you have to learn to quiet your mind, and I think that's part of the issue that we run into in today's day and age is that we have so many distractions which could taint us being able to hear from God. Even with me hearing from God earlier this morning, it literally was in a space where I was quiet and I prayed and I just sat there and know that I am God.
Speaker 1:Exactly so. You have to sit and you have to wait on him in order to hear, but you have to remove all the distractions. So I went, you know, and it looks different for different people, but when I went through my conversion, after I had my encounter with God, one of the things that he did with me and we know this he removed. I didn't have a desire to look at TV. There was no desire to play my game. The only thing I was listening to was worship music. I was barely even listening to sermons. I was reading a word, listening to worship music and praying. So he removed all distractions. And then, of course, I was fasting. I dropped down significantly in weight because I was just spending time with God. It got to the point I remember telling Joe Jojo, I'm like yo listen. Because he was like are you hungry? I'm like I'm good, I haven't ate anything all day, but I've been eating off the word of God. So I was not hungry, but it's in those spaces where you really hear God, because all distractions were removed.
Speaker 1:And so as those distractions were removed. I was dreaming vividly, I was having visions.
Speaker 2:I was having encounters like never before, because there was nothing else but me and God. But we fill ourselves with distractions so that we don't have to think about the things or go through things. That's why there's so many people in relationships that have stayed together so long because they have distractions Distracted.
Speaker 1:They're distracted, they're distracted. And that's why, when COVID hit, it was like boom, it went crazy. They have distractions, distracted, they're distracted, they're distracted, and that that and that's why, when covid hit, it was like it went crazy, people, people was domestic violence went up people was dropping relationships like flies it went up, some like abuse, all those like it. They were dropping jobs.
Speaker 1:They were dropping people because they was dropping everything and it's crazy because when covid hit, that's when I went through my own experience, when god just began to speak to me. Yeah, that's that's when it happened for me. So it's in those moments and I I guess that digs into even when you question how do I go through experiencing this you got to remove distractions. Now I would say the church would encourage you to, I would encourage you not to. I didn't fast just because I wanted to. I was able to fast the way I was fasting, or live a fasted lifestyle, because it was under the guidance and leading of God. Outside of that, you could hurt yourself. Technically speaking, the way that I was fasting was unhealthy, but because it's something that is supernatural, it's not if that makes sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's spiritual.
Speaker 1:It's spiritual. So God sustained me as I dropped a significant amount of weight as I was fasting.
Speaker 2:I'm sure Jesus was extremely tiny.
Speaker 1:He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. I'm sure Jesus was extremely tiny. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.
Speaker 2:I'm sure he was a tiny man, no water, no nothing.
Speaker 1:To the point the Bible said that at the end of his fast what the angels came and they ministered to him, they took care of him because he was struggling. So it's only through God, because even what the Bible says, what after he received the Holy Spirit, he was led into the wilderness to fast for 40 days and 40 nights by the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 1:So that's why I would say to you, when you get to that point of fasting, you have to be led by the Holy Spirit and it's most likely because he's trying to get something to you, or trying to break something in you, or trying to get you to birth something for it that you would even go through that process. So healing, be healed. Healing looks different for different people, but we all need it. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because if you don't, it's so easy for you to become a predator. Yeah, when you think of all of this stuff that people have dealt with many cases when we look at statistics, statistically speaking, those who carry out sexual abuse are the at some point in time they they dealt with it themselves or something took place that was traumatic to them. They dealt with some type of abuse that went unchecked, and so healing is so important. Even if we just get into something that's just, it plagues our community, community, specifically cheating yeah infidelity.
Speaker 1:it literally comes from a place where you are dealing with unresolved mess, unresolved trauma, you have insecurities, you have all these things, which places you in a situation where you prey upon people or those who become the victims, because you're so used to it. You become a prey and stuff that, if you are healed and whole, you would immediately begin to recognize. You're not able to recognize because that's all you know.
Speaker 2:Right, you've been preyed on your entire life.
Speaker 1:Conditioned for it All the way from a childhood from your child as young as a child sometimes.
Speaker 2:So then you surround yourself with a bunch of predators.
Speaker 1:Let's get really deep into it. And we got to be mindful, because it's YouTube. There are and we talked about this, there are women that desire for certain. They desire for things to be rough. Let's put it like that. Yeah.
Speaker 2:They don't realize they desire to have rough.
Speaker 1:What happened?
Speaker 2:S-E-X yes, what happened, which I'm being mindful because of the children.
Speaker 1:Yes, what happened to lead you to that point? That's why I always it's always been interesting to me, even before I gave my life to God. I never understood strip clubs and stuff like that, because I've always looked at it like, okay, what's going on? You're not going to get me to believe that this is something that a woman would choose, even if she thinks she's choosing it. There's something else more that's going on. You're not going to get me to believe that this is something that a woman would choose, even if she thinks she's choosing it. There's something else more that's always there, whether it's abandonment issues or whatever the case may be.
Speaker 2:But yeah, but you don't think about that because people watch porn. They don't think about that when they look at our porn.
Speaker 1:That's true, but it's, but it's the reality of what it is. It starts somewhere. It all starts somewhere. It starts from a person that's broken.
Speaker 2:Well, people, the women will say nothing's happened to me. I just want to do this because I want to and it's like no, but you start having a conversation with them, you don't? You start having a conversation with them.
Speaker 1:You don't. You start having a conversation with them and you will reach somewhere in their childhood or in their life, or in something where something took place.
Speaker 2:No, you were exposed to something that changed your genetic makeup Spiritually. Spiritually. That put you in a place that you want people to look at your naked body and pay you for it and these are just different examples, people that we are touching on really just nothing against people who no, I'm not judging them.
Speaker 1:No, I just want you. I want you to. I want people to be heel and hoe yeah I forgot um. Tim ross talked about this he said strip clubs, all this stuff would go out of business if men would stop going yeah, they would if they would stop going to these places, if they would stop subscribing to only fans if they would stop um looking at all of that stuff stop being predators yesried men specifically.
Speaker 2:That's not going to happen. But it starts in what the spirit realm, because that's the spirit of perversion, that's the spirit of lust Right which started somewhere.
Speaker 1:But it links itself to you because of trauma at some point in your life, which is why we come full circle.
Speaker 2:And it's important that we go through the process of being healed. Yeah, and I know for me, going through the healing process, there were things that happened to me that I didn't even know happened same I didn't even remember that's what I was about to say.
Speaker 1:I was about to say that, as I'll begin to go through that process, god began to reveal things to me that I did not realize. It was their memories that was, uh, unlocked, that I had to go through healing yeah, so there were things that you know.
Speaker 2:He showed me and told me and told you and you told me and I'm like that didn't happen to me, and then I would have like a vision or I would have like a thought about what I would. I would always wonder why that person looked at me like that, or I would always wonder why that person did this or did that, or why I was here or why I was there or why I felt this type of way when I was with this type of person. But I never remember what they did to me. I don't remember any of my childhood.
Speaker 1:And that's so weird because-.
Speaker 2:I disassociated myself.
Speaker 1:You got to also understand, as I was going through the process of praying for you and God was revealing these details to me. I'm like huh of praying for you and God was revealing these details to me. I'm like huh, but as he would reveal the details and I was going through the process of praying for you, it's hard to explain and it's possible spiritually, but I could feel your pain and it's so interesting because when God speaks to you, you get that on your chest and that's where it was for me, I kid you not, that's where it would happen. I would feel like a weight or a tightness of my chest when.
Speaker 1:I would have to carry your pain and pray through that. And so yeah, once again you didn't know those things was there, but it was moment after moment, situation after situation that kept like reconfiguring your DNA to where you became something that was not even you, that God didn't create me to do. Which is when we first met. You remember, I told you it don't make sense because what I see does not match like who you are Like.
Speaker 2:I'm talking to you.
Speaker 1:And it don't match.
Speaker 2:But it's not matching who I'm seeing on this Instagram page.
Speaker 1:Exactly that's what I was like. Okay, that don't make sense, but it's because you got so lost in the trauma that and you was trying to pull that out of you.
Speaker 2:I tried and I just could not. You lost yourself. I could not.
Speaker 1:And that's what trauma do. That's what the enemy desire.
Speaker 2:I knew who I wanted to be. I knew what I, what I wanted to be, who.
Speaker 1:I felt like I should have been but like I just couldn't do it and it's so unfortunate because this is an example for those out there when you find yourself in situations where you are saying why am I consistently with the same person, like in, just like a like the same type of person?
Speaker 2:the same type of person or different situations, but same yeah, it's demons that's attracted to your trauma.
Speaker 1:It's demons that's in your dna and the only way to fix that yeah, the only way to fix, that is, through deliverance and healing.
Speaker 2:You're marked, so you're marked with all these iniquities.
Speaker 1:Oh, I forgot who said it. She said it was a stench. Was that Tiffany?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was Tiffany, not Montgomery.
Speaker 1:Not Tiffany Montgomery, but Tiffany the other. Tiffany, is it Butler?
Speaker 2:Buckler, buckler, buckler, her ministry is Anointed Fire. That's what it's called. It's called anointed fire. Was she the one?
Speaker 1:that said it, or was it the other young lady?
Speaker 2:There's been quite a few people that says that. Even Dr Lovey said that there's something in your blood that marks you.
Speaker 1:That marks you.
Speaker 2:But that's why you have to be marked with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1:That's why, we form a covenant with him. So that we are made new, that we are born again right, so that all those bloodline curses can be resolved through his blood, only through his blood, and that's good, because it's like that. For those of you all that's wondering, why am I consistently in a situation where I am with the same type of person? Because I wonder that it's because it's something in you that's attracting those demons, those are spirits. So those are spirits that you're seeing. You just don't you see the natural perspective of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you're like this person. He don't sound like that. He sound different today or that don't really sound like him. Why he acting like that? Or why she's acting like that. That don't even make sense what she? Just did, or what she just said, or you see a little twinkle in her eye, you see a little voice change. That's not normal it's demons. I will always say that, probably every episode.
Speaker 1:You're seeing people manifest You're seeing people manifest.
Speaker 2:Yeah, trust me, I've seen it.
Speaker 1:You're seeing people manifest.
Speaker 2:I didn't know what I was seeing, but I'm like dang, you don't have, you're so cold, you're so evil. There's this evilness Like even your eyes is dark, it's demons.
Speaker 1:And it could be levels of how and please, like I cannot stress enough specifically for women Please stay away from men like that. They're very dangerous. Men that don't have self-control yes, Stay away from men that don't have self-control, that's very dangerous.
Speaker 2:Men that don't have self-control.
Speaker 1:Yes, stay away from men that don't have self-control. That's very dangerous. It's very dangerous Because with me, I grew up in a church and while I did things I wasn't supposed to do, there was still like a hold because I was at least taught self-control. And so there's lines that I would never cross. Now I also know that I had God with me and that assisted with the self-control, but there was lines that I just I never could cross no matter what, like I could never cross those lines.
Speaker 1:You couldn't even peer pressure me into crossing those lines, because I had those lines that were there.
Speaker 2:And it's very dangerous specifically for men, because there's some men out here, there's a lot of men now, who don't have lines, they don't have no morals, they don't have no value because they don't have any self-control. No, because they're so full of evil, evilness and it's very dangerous.
Speaker 1:It's please, please. It's very dangerous, story after story after story. Stay away, and this is why we dig, this is why we have, and they have to be healed also. Yeah, there's a reason why they're that way but sometimes you get so far removed from it where you aren't even willing to listen to god no which is why I say once again they're very dangerous, they're very dangerous yeah and so, um, this is why this podcast exists, this is why we're doing what we're doing, because we're trying to encourage you to really seek out God first, and that's one of the things I wanted to touch on.
Speaker 1:Please, I can't express enough the importance of being healed and whole and set free and delivered before getting into a relationship, so that you can make sure you are where god has called for you to be, because the enemy will mess you up. The enemy will mess you up and mess your children up he will mess your entire life.
Speaker 2:But the thing is, people don't really think that they be messed up you do be you do you do, you do be, you do be, you be messed up because you're out here trying to cope, you're out here at the club, you're out here drinking, you're thinking it's normal, like you can have a drink, you know it's fine and you could be messed up.
Speaker 1:I don't need to. You could be messed up because that was me. You could be messed up sitting at home on your sofa yeah, looking at movies playing your game, but I still was struggling with um sexual perversion like pornography, masturbation and things like that. So you, it's trying to do the right thing. Yeah, because you're taught. Okay, well, that's not as bad as the other right, because I can't out here. Be out here in these messing with all these different people, messing with all these people.
Speaker 2:So I'm just gonna stay at home and do what I do but you're still exposing yourself to the spirit of perversion.
Speaker 1:Yes. So to the men and women out there that does that instead, because I know a lot of you exist, yes, it's no different, it's no different you might as well, just go out there and have. Don't do that, but it's no different. But it is, it's no different.
Speaker 2:You're still exposing yourself. You're still exposing.
Speaker 1:Neither is good. Neither is good, neither is good. Both of you will get caught up.
Speaker 2:The only difference is with you doing it with another person. You take on all their issues that they have. But you're doing it with just yourself. You're still opening up doors, so whenever you do get with a person, it's going to be very, very difficult.
Speaker 1:And that's the other thing, and maybe we'll touch on that with something else. People, they talk about your sexual appetite. Yeah. You got to be healed from that too.
Speaker 2:So if you're at home and you're pleasing yourself constantly, watching pornography watching porn and you go and be with someone that you really like or even what they'll only satisfy you for a certain amount of time.
Speaker 1:And we're not encouraging this. Listen, we're not encouraging, let's make it known, because we encourage that you be with who God has called you to be with.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:In the context of marriage. Sex. But even still in that Even still in that Go ahead.
Speaker 2:Even still, if God's called you to be with someone, you're still going to have this appetite unless you are healed and transformed, and it's never going to be enough.
Speaker 1:But you got to realize that even your sexual appetite or your sexual desires are tainted and that has to be removed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so even when we got together, god created us for us to be removed. Yeah, so, like, even when we got together, we, we god created us for for us to be together. Right, but we all, we both had different appetites because of the, the exposure to experiences that we had. So it's like you trying to please me, I'm trying to please you, and it's just like this. This is not working well, interesting.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, when we first got together. But when we came back. Yes, god dealt with me on that and it was so interesting because the church will teach you that it's fine it's like you.
Speaker 2:You need to give in. You need to do this even though you don't want to.
Speaker 1:You need to do this even though you don't want to and it's like no, god was saying, and it's it was so good. He was basically stating to me uh, when he and I have the notes somewhere because I need to work on a book but what he was saying is that we mix pagan ways in with things that's meant to be intimate and pure.
Speaker 2:And the confinements of the way marriage the way God created marriage.
Speaker 1:So we taint the marriage bed because, we bring in these pagan ways.
Speaker 1:That we used to have that we used to have, and so your mind has to be renewed because you may have looked at pornography and seen a woman in a certain light and now you're like, okay, the responsibility of the woman or the man, you're just supposed to please me, or whatever it may be, when it's always was meant to be something that was intimate. And so, within all areas, we don't realize our hurt, our insecurities, our trauma is negatively impacting every area of our lives.
Speaker 1:And our mind has to be renewed in every single area of our life, including the fact that many of us, prior to marriage, had sex outside of marriage, many with multiple partners, and so all of these things is stuff that God has to now take out of you and now teach you his ways so you don't go into the relationship God has called you to be in tainted, Because for men specifically I know for a fact, because God told me this and this is for women to understand God would never have a man come to you unprepared. He would never have a man come to you that he hasn't taken through the process. So if that man is coming to you and he has not been through that process and he's saying God said you're my wife, but nothing about him has changed, he's not a reflection of him, None of that. That's a red flag.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because when we had first got together and we had broken up for a time and on that break, while you were having your journey with god, and you came back and I'm like, oh yeah, he's different. You did. Have you slept up one time? Yeah, you, you got in your flesh a little bit. I did one time but I did recognize that you were like a completely different person. Yeah, the way that you moved different, the way that you talked was different.
Speaker 2:The way that you were like a completely different person yeah, the way that you moved different, the way that you talked was different, the way that you handled me was different and I was like okay, because it's a process, it's a.
Speaker 1:It's a very uncomfortable process. It's a very uncomfortable process and I was about to say earlier, I, I it. It would be so nice if people could see, even for one day, some of the stuff that we've seen spiritually. Absolutely it would. It would be so nice if people could see, even for one day, some of the stuff that we've seen spiritually Absolutely. It would change your life forever, Even the spirit that's linked to the spirit of perversion like what.
Speaker 2:I saw it was so.
Speaker 1:It was similar to like the Ring.
Speaker 2:The Ring, yeah, and you know all the horror movies, scary movies. They have this white looking figure of a childlike woman. But she, her, she's full of this hair all over her face, like you can't see her face.
Speaker 1:You can't see, I could not see her face.
Speaker 1:It was just, uh, her head was down and all you saw was just hair coming all the way down and I remember like it was I was not afraid, but it was fear and um, her, her hands were on the bed and I could not move. And I remember trying to create a cross and I was trying to call jesus and I couldn't. And finally, when I came out of it, I began to pray heavily and that was the spirit of perversion, and I saw her. One at the time where I saw that spirit, one at the time when it walked by my bed, um, walking towards the what the patio was, and it was the same thing, just nothing but hair. And so, um, if you could just see the stuff that's kind of connected to it, it kind of would kind of shift how you approach life and realizing this is serious.
Speaker 2:And a lot of people would think this is freaky, but it's just like we put God in a box, Like he can't, and it's just like Jesus walked on water and we talked about all these miracles and everything that happened, Like Elijah was speaking. Fire will fall down from heaven and kill everybody Right. Fall down from heaven and kill everybody, right.
Speaker 1:But when we talk about it, like here in the real world like on youtube.
Speaker 2:That's crazy. They're like you lying. That's not real. That don't happen anymore and it's like the bible is still living it talks about everything that is happening now and we're gonna get ready to stop.
Speaker 1:But here's we got to understand. The bible is what the bible is, nothing more. I say this all the time and it's not by my strength. It's what god understand. The Bible is what the Bible is, nothing more. I say this all the time and it's not by my strength. It's what God revealed. The Bible is nothing more than different men and women encounters with God.
Speaker 2:The issue that we have those encounters, have not stopped.
Speaker 1:The issue we have is that we stopped encountering God ourselves and many of us live through the encounters of the different men and women in the Bible Instead of using that as a guideline of seeing how God moved in the heart of God and saying, okay, I should encounter this Right.
Speaker 2:I should be able to have these same encounters as Peter.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there should be a book of Shania there should be a book of Walter.
Speaker 2:There is a book in the heavens.
Speaker 1:But I'm just saying like we stopped seeking out an encounter with god for ourselves because we became spoiled, because we have the bible right, because we have the bible.
Speaker 2:But the people in the bible did not have the but they had.
Speaker 1:I mean, they had the torah, but not in the old testament and you not in the old testament. They didn't have it, they just encountered god. Yeah, they encountered god and we were talking about this last night. It's just like Not in the Old Testament. They didn't have it, they just encountered God.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they encountered God and we were talking about this last night. It's just like if I read a bunch of Steve Jobs books, I know about Steve Jobs. I know about everything he's done. I could do everything he did or he's done before.
Speaker 1:But would it be?
Speaker 2:better. I mean, I'm limited to the amount of information I can get by being his mentee, being up underneath him, studying him, knowing him. He can teach me things that that book that he wrote wouldn't be able to teach me.
Speaker 1:So there's a difference between knowing the God of the Bible and knowing God, and so now, when you know God and you read the Bible, it hits differently.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's like oh, I know why you wrote that. I know why you put that in there, because now he's speaking to you directly.
Speaker 1:And we can't stress this enough either the importance of reading the Bible under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Outside of that, you're just reading a book.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You don't realize it's a lie, memorizing verses. You're just reading a book. Yeah, you don't memorize verses, you're just memorizing, you just there's no power to it, you will not encounter god and what does that scripture say, babe?
Speaker 1:uh, second timothy you talking about first timothy is it first timothy or is it second timothy, the scripture being inspired by the spirit of god? That, that's that one.
Speaker 2:No, the one um where it talks about how, um you can read the scripture but not understand, because, because you don't have, but they don't understand the power.
Speaker 1:Oh, you talking about it's? It's not talking about the scripture, but it's talking about those who have a form of godliness. Yes, a form of godliness um, let me see, give me one second.
Speaker 2:That is and, and go ahead and continue while I find this so you don't lose your train of thought oh no, I just wanted to read the scripture because it says you have this form of godliness which is a lot of people would say a form of godliness would be second timothy them just like reading scripture, going to church and doing all this. But they don't know that the pat about the power that the holy spirit provides so, and this was um, I'll start with verse one.
Speaker 1:This is second timothy three um verse one. You should know this, timothy, that in the last days, verse 1. Unloving and unforgiving they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride and love. Pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that can make them godly. Stay away from people like that.
Speaker 2:Right. So acting religious meaning like you go to church, you read your Bible, you know your scriptures, you know apologetics, you know theology, you know all these things, but you, you can't use them to will, to, to, to encompass the presence of God or the power that the Holy Spirit has.
Speaker 1:So here's the thing, and I believe it's so true. Benny Hinn said this, but it's so true and it applies, and I see it in my own life, I see it in yours One of the greatest ways to see and recognize that a person has a relationship with God is a changed life. That a person has a relationship with God is a changed life, but you can recognize when that life is changed based upon them trying versus based upon the power of the. Holy.
Speaker 1:Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit active in your life, will remove desires. It will shift your wants and your needs. It will shift everything. There will be a sense of conviction there. That's not from you just trying to do good, but it's just a knowing and a conviction within that. I can't explain it, because the challenge with the church is that we and I've used this example so many times so there's two husbands, right, both buy their wives flowers. One buy flowers because it's something they're supposed to do. The other buy flowers because they love their wife. That's religion versus relationship. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Religion is like tradition, culture.
Speaker 1:It's so hard to tell the difference between the two. You have to have a spirit of discernment to see that this person has a relationship versus this person having religion. But now, when you start digging into their life or you start listening to them, you look at their fruits, you look at their fruits, you look at their fruits.
Speaker 2:What type of person are they? What type of character are they? Because there's plenty of internet pastors. There's plenty of preachers, pastors, motivational speakers that don't really have a relationship with God. They have a form of God in this. They have religion.
Speaker 1:But be careful, because I would say this Listen to how they speak. Mm-hmm, I but be careful because I would say this Listen to how they speak. I, I, I I.
Speaker 2:I, I've done this, I've done this, I've done that.
Speaker 1:I've did this, or the scriptures, the scriptures, the scriptures the scriptures. Not the key thing.
Speaker 2:The Holy Spirit led me here. The Holy Spirit put on my heart to say blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:The key thing is this I used to be and I'll say this I grew up in a church. I used to be religious. I read the scriptures. I read five chapters in the morning, five chapters at night. I did my declarations. I spent about two hours in the morning time in scripture and in prayer.
Speaker 3:I spent two hours in the evening time in scriptures and prayer.
Speaker 1:religiously, I still struggled with sex. I still struggled with all of those things. I still partook in things that I should not. I even encountered and experienced God and saw miraculous things take place, but at most I was religious.
Speaker 2:But you still had people telling you that that was normal.
Speaker 1:Exactly the difference that shifted is in the change and the desires and all of those things that was removed is relationship. You have to have a relationship with God. By having a relationship with God is what creates that power, and the greatest example of God's power is a changed life a changed heart or a changed subconscious, a changed mind, your mind being renewed. Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's the greatest power. Yes, it's great to prophesy, it's great to heal the sick, it's great to deliver people, it's great to see. But the greatest power is being free from the spirit of suicide, being free from the spirit of perversion, being free from the spirit of suicide, being free from the spirit of perversion, being free from the spirit of lust, being free from the spirit of depression, recognizing when the enemy is at work, god being able to tell you hey, this is going going and you need to pray on this.
Speaker 2:Those are the greatest powers, especially those who have children.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's the greatest power, Because going from a place of life for me personally where I was depressed and on the brink of suicide yeah, and I went to counseling and I tried to use the tools, yeah, and it didn't help no, the only thing that set me free was God yeah, he delivered me and that's what set me free from the spirit of suicide, the spirit of depression, the spirit of oppression and when those thoughts and things come back, because they will come back at some point in time.
Speaker 1:You know what it is, you recognize it, you speak against it and you know how to get rid of it Exactly.
Speaker 2:You don't go back to the therapist. You don't go back to yoga or spa.
Speaker 1:And it's nothing wrong with going to a therapist. But it shifts now because what you do, god becomes your source.
Speaker 2:God is the therapist. God becomes your source.
Speaker 1:God is the therapist, god becomes your source. And now, when you look at therapy, it's from a different perspective. You look at therapy from the perspective of like okay, I need to. It's my mind needs to be renewed, your mind has to be renewed.
Speaker 2:When we say therapy, we mean like discipleship.
Speaker 1:Yes, Now, but we're not against therapy.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:But understand that therapy is nothing more than coping mechanisms and they will tell you themselves it's coping mechanisms, but it's not meant to heal.
Speaker 2:It's not going to heal you no, because they want you to do work for yourself. You go to therapy.
Speaker 1:They will give you things for you to do which works when you're going through it, until it don't, because it won't the world teaches you to be your own God. Yes, and God teaches you to rely on him, but I think that's a great place to stop, because we've been going for about an hour now. Yeah, I don't know how to end this.
Speaker 2:I mean Be healed. So I guess, just letting them know Like what would be the first and this probably won't be the first time or last time we're talking about this well, everything we talk about it kind of intertwines with the last episode and a previous episode and we just not on purpose no, it just keeps going and going and going on purpose but being healed means the only way you can truly be healed and changed is through the power of Jesus Christ. He will change your life.
Speaker 2:And we can attest we've done all the things that everyone else is doing.
Speaker 1:We're still doing it. What?
Speaker 2:do you?
Speaker 1:mean Because you never arrive. What do you mean? As far as you, still you consistently go. Healing is stages.
Speaker 2:No, I'm not saying still going through healing. I was saying that we've done everything that everyone is still doing in the world right now.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, good to hear.
Speaker 2:By coping, using coping mechanisms.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:We've used the coping mechanisms, we've done everything that you can think of.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you did everything.
Speaker 2:I just did counseling you drank, I did drink and I smoked you, you masturbated I did everything you did porn you had sex yeah, I did everything and it didn't work.
Speaker 1:It did not work. I was still miserable, I was. And because and don't do that, because you will start seeing things spiritually- for real.
Speaker 2:For real, no, seriously, and you will enter into something illegally. I did yes.
Speaker 1:It was weird. Now I know what was going on before. I thought I was losing my mind.
Speaker 2:Because you were yes, literally.
Speaker 1:But by the grace of God he kept you, but God.
Speaker 2:But God kept you. But yes, we've done everything that you could possibly do, even with meditation. Be careful, because you're supposed to meditate on the word of.
Speaker 2:God. So it's being in a space where you don't want to empty your mind. You want to give your mind something to ponder on, you want to give yourself the word, you want to feed yourself the word. You don't want to empty yourself out because you don't know. There are things that you can't see that will speak to you and you think that is God because it feels supernatural, and it's not God because you're not meditating on the word of God.
Speaker 1:No, or you don't know God. Yeah. And so you got to be real careful and, especially as Christians or believers, you have to learn God, and that comes through relationship. Yeah, and God desires to have a relationship with you. God should have, you should have a relationship with God. You should know your father's voice, you should know your shepherd's voice.
Speaker 2:But it takes spending time. You should know your shepherd's voice, but it takes spending time. And so, being healed from all the trauma and dealing with stress and the stresses of the world, you have to let go of all distractions and put your focus on God. The one who created you so that you can find out the blueprint for your life, because you can't find a blueprint for yourself.
Speaker 1:Outside of him.
Speaker 2:Outside of God. You can't. You can go to a psychic, you can go to whoever you want to go to it ain't gonna work. It's not gonna work.
Speaker 1:Trust me, I've done it unfortunately, and you set up illegal contracts. But we are be healed um. I think we went over how that look and I believe we'll uh we'll dig on it some more if y'all got questions of course it looks different for people, but it's always the same end goal.
Speaker 2:It's the same end goal, which is God.
Speaker 1:Yes, so thank you for tuning in this week. We definitely appreciate you. Hopefully this episode has been a blessing to you and we will see you next week. Bye. All right, bye.